Thursday, December 21, 2006

Needed a Change

Blogger has moved away from their beta state and they are encouraging us to go from the old to the new. So I took it as a sign for improvement and change.

Hope you like the new blog color scheme. The black background was beginning to get me down; I felt like my energy was being sucked into the screen's black hole. Recently, I began to take a liking to blue and green hues that remind me of nature, like the ones you see in the background. Apparently, the color of "nature" green calms the nerves, relieves stress, replenishes energy, stimulates creativity, and enhances intellectualism. I'm all for that these days!

Drop a comment and let me know what you think!


Jay said...

Black backgrounds rock! Plus, they save energy when displayed on monitors, think about it. No need to light up that area so it just leaves it alone. Food for thought. :-D

ActionJoJo said...

Thanks Shout Out for those tidbits I didn't know about. *sigh* Besides the importance of energy conservation (which I totally support), letting go of the black makes me feel like I'm losing a part of myself. Can't explain except to say that we're New Yorkers. We do black. Period. That's just the way it is.

Jay said...

lol, yes biker's lust. A friend was laughing at me because she saw me looking at a picture of a brand new bike instead of the sexy looking lady athlete on the front of Triathlete magazine. Don't sweat the black background too, I was just teasing about your color switch. :-D