Tuesday, August 11, 2009


I was so sick of the long hair, which I've had for years so I decided to chop 10 inches off. The last time I cut my hair short was in 1999. It was even shorter than this, a pixie cut. I would say this is a Katie Holmes-inspired bob.

When the hairdresser was done, my head felt lighter. And on a hot, humid day like today, the back of my neck and shoulders feel bare and cool. I kept the hair and plan to donate it to a charity like Locks of Love. Pantene has a program that accepts hair donations too.

I can't wait to hear what my colleagues in the office will say when I walk in tomorrow!


thedancingj said...

You look so adorable!! :)

I added you to my little blogger sidebar since you have been my awesome commenting QUEEN lately and helped inspire me to get my ass out of bed for early morning yoga again. Prepare to have a bunch of yogis join your blog audience...

ActionJoJo said...

Thanks J!!! I just love your posts and feel like I always have an opinion. Yep, that's me...always talking.

I'm happy that I helped inspire you to get out of bed yesterday morning. I hope you can do it more often.

As for yogis joining my blog audience, welcome! Loveee yogis. Especially BIKRAM junkies...err...yogis.

thedancingj said...

Re: always having an opinion - o man i am the same. That's why I started my blog in the first place, cause I was always reading hannahjustbreathe and leaving her these EPIC comments, and she was like "dude, you need your own."